Friday, January 23, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

A grande debate ... is the film good is it not. what do i feel ? what does everybody in india feel ? I guess when you come out and write about it, its always better to have a criticizing sentiment rather than just be able to say , wow , what a movie...

before i saw the movie , i did hear and read a lot about it and i do still after its 10 oscar nominations and the 4 golden globes but what i really want to try and do is not influence my thoughts by what mr.bachchan has to say or what mr.boyle has to say about mr.bachchan.

every time you talk about this movie and if you are truely a mumbai-ite what will you feel. here is my take ... i liked the movie after just the reviews. When I started to watch it about a good 20 minutes into it, it really did not carry that much soul into it. It is not about mumbai or not about india or its poverty, it simply is a kid's story, a kid you had seen a lot and I mean a LOT. this can happen in any part of the world. I am surprised by the fact that the situations and the experiences that the boy goes through are so common and known to everyone that the director and the producer of the movie believe that everybody in the world can relate to. You might never be in any of the scenes in real life but you will still be able to relate, and i think that is what makes a good movie. Its hard hitting and so is life. Give it a go people !!! its worth a watch. And if you really really liked it then read maximum city: lost and found mumbai by suketu mehta... Maximum City - Bombay


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. gr8 thought...probably tats why its in my favorites too on :
