Tuesday, June 23, 2009


yeah, simple enough. nothing fancy about the word, nothing diabolic or even with more syllables to make it pronounce harder ... simple old waiting... and it is the most integral part of our life ...
its like flipping coin to see the same side show up again, now might seem dumb but it really isn't. you wait for almost everything in your daily routine, and that determines how your day has been. think of a day where you did not have to wait for anything at all. you start your day .. get ready and don't wait for the train, bus .. you go to the deli and pick you stuff which is ready for you and there is no line so the only delay is you taking your diamond credit card out of your wallet. you go to work, never wait for the elevator, not even for the door to click open when you beep in your id against the red dot on the wall. you walk in and do not wait for your machine to load up (even if it is monday morning) ... don't wait for answers, don't wait for lunch , train/bus on the way back, dinner, movie tickets... nothing .. you wait for nothing ... the more you think, the more you realize that this isn't just going to happen... the day that you do not wait is just not going to happen... it is that integral.
I am not trying to make you think that waiting is eternal and utilizing the waiting is a good way to lead life, but it is kind of true...everyone has their wait-time killers. waiting for the bus/train . read a newspaper, look at your emails, listen to music, take a quick nap, make-up or just chat like a crackle of sunshine. what is more interesting the is other waiting kinds of waiting you may or may not experience or for that matter notice.
ever been in a situation where you inside the elevator and you press your floor and see someone just about the distance away from the elevator enough to make a quick dash and be in the elevator or just get their nose squashed, if you have had your coffee and met the crackling sunshine guy in the morning you rush your finger to find the open button and get the guy in or you just hope that he is not going to make a dash and wait for the most awkward 3 seconds of your day (so far) pass by. imagine being the one outside the elevator where you wait and take 2 to think if you should dash or just walk at your pace, maybe move just look at your phone or stop for a second to touch your pocket and avoid the awkwardness.
waiting can be a job, well atleast part of the job. ever thought what the lovely ladies and men who wait outside any decent restaurant to explain you with any questions about the menu. every single move from anyone inching closer to the entrance has to be tackled with a "yes, please come in" smile. what is the job requirement for that ... I find it amusing that you are just waiting out there trying to see people who can get into the restaurant. same thing for any of the street vendors, but i would want to excuse as i never really felt they fit in the waiting category. the restaurant "pleasant welcomers" are much more interesting just for the fact that there on the outlook trying to meet every eye either who can afford to get into the restaurant or be as delightful as the person himself.
its a simple part of the day to day routine and as far as i can see it is the most amusing, try picking up your ringing phone and wait to say hello, let the other end say the first hello, it gives me the giggles on doing that. well this does come with the sign "do not try this at home" but what the hell , try it .. it is fun. waiting is fun, look at the people around you when you wait, the day cannot have more interesting start than just observing people around you. you may take the same train every single day for many years but would be great to know that the guy with smart suit and the 18th century rug sack did not catch it today or if he did he got a new phone. i do not have the patience to read books, morning newspaper is barely a 5 minute stroll and what i end up doing most of the time waiting is filling the void is by seeing the options of everything i could possibly be doing, waiting.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

A grande debate ... is the film good is it not. what do i feel ? what does everybody in india feel ? I guess when you come out and write about it, its always better to have a criticizing sentiment rather than just be able to say , wow , what a movie...

before i saw the movie , i did hear and read a lot about it and i do still after its 10 oscar nominations and the 4 golden globes but what i really want to try and do is not influence my thoughts by what mr.bachchan has to say or what mr.boyle has to say about mr.bachchan.

every time you talk about this movie and if you are truely a mumbai-ite what will you feel. here is my take ... i liked the movie after just the reviews. When I started to watch it about a good 20 minutes into it, it really did not carry that much soul into it. It is not about mumbai or not about india or its poverty, it simply is a kid's story, a kid you had seen a lot and I mean a LOT. this can happen in any part of the world. I am surprised by the fact that the situations and the experiences that the boy goes through are so common and known to everyone that the director and the producer of the movie believe that everybody in the world can relate to. You might never be in any of the scenes in real life but you will still be able to relate, and i think that is what makes a good movie. Its hard hitting and so is life. Give it a go people !!! its worth a watch. And if you really really liked it then read maximum city: lost and found mumbai by suketu mehta... Maximum City - Bombay